• teddy bear on ground

    Storyless Wounds

    How you can heal your scars without closure or blame The other day I noticed a bruise under one of my toenails. I thought it was interesting because I couldn’t remember stubbing my toe or dropping anything on my foot, but here it was a sign that an injury had occurred. And a pretty big sign it was! Over the next few weeks the mystery plagued me every time I noticed it. I scanned my brain repeatedly for the lost memory that could explain the origin of the blood blister. But nope, nothing! The blister got smaller and moved up as my toenail grew out. But I never did come…

  • 3 Reasons I believe in change

    People never change… or do they? Have you ever heard the expression (or said it yourself) ‘People never change.’? Do you really believe that? We usually say that after someone lets us down in the same way they have multiple times before. But that doesn’t make it is true. People would more quickly call me a pessimist than an optimist but on this subject I am hopelessly optimistic and with good cause. I could drag this list out but there are only three reasons that really matter I have experienced it I have seen it happen in others Science proves it My Experience If there is single positive thought in…

  • Finding yourself takes time

    Welcome friends -old and new! A special shoutout to those that have been supporters for the long haul as I reinvented, reinvented, and reinvented myself. Am I a writer or a teacher? An anonymous media company or the faceless force behind many small brands? What am I ‘about’? – recovery, the gospel, trauma treatment, productivity or non-profit administration? I tried to be all of these things separately (and most recently all at the same time) and put together a polished, professional front that rarely included my picture and often not even my own name! No wonder my ventures were exhausting and often failed. It wasn’t a waste though. Along the…