• 3 Reasons I believe in change

    People never change… or do they? Have you ever heard the expression (or said it yourself) ‘People never change.’? Do you really believe that? We usually say that after someone lets us down in the same way they have multiple times before. But that doesn’t make it is true. People would more quickly call me a pessimist than an optimist but on this subject I am hopelessly optimistic and with good cause. I could drag this list out but there are only three reasons that really matter I have experienced it I have seen it happen in others Science proves it My Experience If there is single positive thought in…

  • You can’t have it all

    It is the biggest lie plaguing every generation of women currently on this planet: Balance. We are strong, modern women. We can be moms and partners and have a career, a social life, hobbies and a fitness routine all while pursuing personal growth, volunteering once a week, and keeping our homes looking like the after shot of a Fixer-Upper episode if we just balance it all correctly. Balance-smalesh I say! It doesn’t exist, well not in the way our culture says it does anyway. I can hear you protesting already, “No Christie it is possible if…” I just break all 150 goals I have for this year into bite-sized tasks…