
Finding yourself takes time

Welcome friends -old and new! A special shoutout to those that have been supporters for the long haul as I reinvented, reinvented, and reinvented myself. Am I a writer or a teacher? An anonymous media company or the faceless force behind many small brands? What am I ‘about’? – recovery, the gospel, trauma treatment, productivity or non-profit administration?

I tried to be all of these things separately (and most recently all at the same time) and put together a polished, professional front that rarely included my picture and often not even my own name! No wonder my ventures were exhausting and often failed. It wasn’t a waste though. Along the way I have created a large collection of tools and resources. Maybe you have found me via one of these brands:

You know what I found out through all this searching and reinventing? Wait for it, this might come as a shock to you… I am me. Yup, that’s right I am what I am. A guy name Paul said that in the Bible as he talked with confidence about his identity, despite some pretty serious failures. He acknowledged that through the grace of God he was not only being transformed, he was being used by God.

For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am,

1 Corinthians 15

Now I am not trying to compare myself to Paul, other than relating to his sketchy track record (which by all accounts should have counted him out) but I do believe God can use all of us. So why not me? Even using my real name and <<gasp>> picture… even if I don’t do this as perfectly as I want to the 5th 6th 7th 100th time around? With that in mind, let’s start this over and I will introduce myself properly.

Hi, my name is Christie aka the Hope Junkie. Despite having walked down many hopeless roads ( a story for another day), I find myself being a collector and sharer of hope. Inconveniently that hope doesn’t neatly fit neatly into just one specific topic, but it is generally defined by content that facilitates change healing and growth. I write and design curriculum, ministries, programs and books (and apparently now blog posts). This content is for people that are into helping others or themselves (hmm, shouldn’t that be all of us? But I digress.)

Some of my stuff is faith-based, some of it lightly sprinkled with faith content and other stuff is pure, science, design or fun! But don’t worry I promise that whatever camp you fall into you will find something here eventually to offend you or that falls short of your expectations 🙂 So as you’re browsing I encourage with this mantra from the recovery community:

Take what you need and leave the rest

If anything you find here helps you in some way, please let me know by completing the form at the bottom of the page. Hearing stories like that is what encourages me to keep up with this costly labor of love.

“Wait you’re not making money off of this site?” Thanks for asking. The answer is no. For many years now I have spent more money creating and sharing these resources than I bring in from the roughly $1.78 I make off of each book on Amazon. I could price them hirer but I write for hurting people -people in recovery, people that are going through difficult life transformations, the people that take of other people (have you ever met a non-profit with a flush budget or shelter worker that got paid a fair wage?) or people that are new to or eager to learn more about the faith. None of these people I want priced out a resource that could help them.

So, if you believe that this is a noble cause and you want to join the Hope Junkie team, please consider purchasing one of our resources full priced from this site or sponsoring our quarterly book give-a-way. I really appreciate it! Now that’s enough about me and what I doing here…go explore and see for yourself!